From the beginning of this project intent has played a huge role in our work since it affects every part of the project. For instance as a group we have the combined intent to pass the subject and others intend to do much better, consequently we already have the drive and the need to work however we do not know the effort which other members intend to put into the project.
If a person’s intentions are not directly verbally communicated, they can still be perceived through their actions and body language. In our group’s case we can get a rough idea of each other’s effort intentions through message board posts and attendance.
Design is a key area involving intent as clear communication is often required in order to accurately the purpose of specific features. Our group discovered the hard way that an architect does not always communicate well as the program of our Dam Theatre was quite heavily debated amongst us due to a lack of drawings and textual information. Through our debate, we were also able to determine the intent of some members of the group as the inclusion of part of the building came into question.
A person’s intent, especially in the corporate environment is particularly influenced by their chosen discipline. Perhaps the best example of differing intents exists on a movie set whereby a sound engineer’s intent differs to the cameraman which potentially differs to the intent of the director, producer and movie studio! This is where hierarchy also comes into play as the success of the film is dependent on the disciplines coexisting and someone taking charge and using their knowledge and authority to move the project forwards.
In the fabrication of the Dam Theatre, we have determined our intentions to be utilising the amazing graphics produced by the Unreal Engine, especially in the creation of environments. This intention was not immediately revealed but can be interpreted by the majority of the group focussing on the environment and surroundings of the building with three out of five working on the terrain and associated variables. Akin to a movie set, we have had conflict in regards to aspects of the map creation process which have been frequently resolved through the compromising and combining of intentions.