Monday, March 17, 2008

Unbuilt archi!

I've been poking around Zaha Hadid's site because I remember either Paul Hogben or Harry Margalit saying that a lot of her designs were not built. Nonetheless she creates some awesome designs!
I've also been thinking - how little is too little information for the model? Understandably, the more information the better but what could we make do with? Perhaps lots of images of the proposed design - both internal and external. Or are we attempting to go straight out for mad floorplans and elevations and all that jazz?

Update guys ok it's a smaller residence but here Coledale House - has plans and elevations!!

Some others that look goodo from Derek's AA link:

1 comment:

Oinkfrog said...

The links arent linked up and the copy and pasting the text doesnt get us there either.

If you can link them up again we can have a look.
